i have nothing much to say.. or maybe i do.
the other day I went out with Hem whom I found at hospitalityclub online. And he said about those that take yoga classes without knowing yoga's spiritual import, "You think you can pay money and learn something, NO WAY!". Hahaha. He was hyper-sensitive on some issues. Still, it was great to meet someone random from halway across the world and still connect. Well, granted he was Asian, Hindu and all, but he's had quite a different life. Given up schooling for a free life of travel.. I envy that - I can't imagine having forsaken the safety net of a university education. Life would have been so different. Perhaps.
I'm quite tired and lazy. On the upside, only this month to kill before I can be out and free into the open air only perhaps only later to wonder 'what do i do what do i do?'. Then I shall post pictures of beach hopefully and holiday spots... can't wait can't wait. july come soon! :)
seems like you've got a whole vacation planned ahead. Good for you. I'd like to go some place. but I don't think I'll be able to this summer. too bad~ Anyways, I was wondering where you've vanished to. I'll be able to post more often starting July.
Miss ya, miss ya, miss ya~!
Anyway, wish me good luck on my finals. gotta go~ Ciao!
You're the Cheshire cat here! :) I even tagged you on my previous book-tag post... you've been tagged!!!
and i made a few appearances on your post. but still, since you have exams, its all good :)
*hug* take care of yourself.. and someone will turn older soon ;) in a little more than a month..
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