Sunday, April 26, 2009

catching the bouquet!

Yay! I thought it would never happen to me - it's a moment out of movies! :)

B. said he asked his wife M. to throw the bouquet at me, and I was a bit disappointed that it may have been rigged --- until M. said she threw it without any design and thus it was "from the heart."

I'm happy with that explanation ;)

I plan to leave the bouquet at a church as advised by someone and offer a few prayers for the newly-wedded couple, for myself, and for one of the girls with me who didn't catch the bouquet (and I gave her one rose from mine, saying "Ow balik" - now odd, but oddly right then).

Saturday, April 18, 2009

French class memories

Ou etes vous? Lizzard et Luc... Psylvia... Attendez moi.

Un petit coin de parapluie, contre un grand paradis... Elle avait quelque chose d'un ange

Next time you meet me...

....ask me if I've started to write again.
....ask me if I've picked up my guitar, if I've started to take guitar lessons.
....ask me how it's going with salsa.
....ask me something in Spanish, and ask if I understand, or if I'm making progress there.
....speak to me in Arabic, and insist I reply back in the same.
....ask me if I've been reading, and what I think about it.
....ask me if I've taken time out for myself - to be silent, to be alone, to be happy.
....ask me if I've taken a trip around the world, or around Cairo, or even around the block.
....ask me if I've cooked something new. or just cooked something I was proud of lately.
....ask me about how it's going with him. (yes you can!)
....ask me if I'm writing letters again.
....ask me if I want to draw.
....ask me if I just want to be silent with you.
....ask me if I've (ever/lately) seen the sun rise.
....ask me if I'm getting better at taking photos.

and then....
.....ask me not to ask too much of myself still, but do things a little bit at a time.