Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Shrek 2, Rowing 2

Shrek 2 was nice and fun. Watched it with my brother. I liked the way all fairy tales were enmeshed and repeated in this one, and yet somewhat perverted to challenge the archetype, like the Pinocchio that wears ladies’ underwear or the not-so-well-wishing fairy godmother that orders a medieval meal for her pansy son, Charming. Then again, the central characters that the audience identifies with are themselves green ogres. So although the characters’ personality are clearly NOT defined through their gender interests or looks, the basic plot is the same: boy and girl fight against the clutches of evil powers, and love prevails. All in all, a good fun watch. I loved Bandera’s Puss-in-Boots act, too, what with this pitiful eyes ruse :).

Rowing today was fun. Sara and I rowed while Captain Ezz steered. I’m undecided which I like better, rowing alone or in a duo, still haven’t done a triple or quadruple act. Its hell getting up in the morning to row, but I always feel great after I’ve finished the run, row, exercise routine. Great way to start the day. Pity they’re going to take a break starting Aug 15, but I might use the time to catch up on my studying, or just catch some extra zzz’s, more likely the latter. :)

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