Monday, September 20, 2004

the l. word

i almost mistyped the l. worLd, and what a freudian slip... i have been reading too much freud/lacan/zizek for the literary theory exam.

so i been feelin lonely lately....... that's the l. word. :P

here's something i had meant to post earlier:

Consider me drunk on too much wasted effort to grasp literary theory by wasting time on criticisms, analysis and futile Google searches.

Now we have some perspective.

I was just thinking today, as I have thought many times before of my cherished picture of a little girl that spews multi-syllabic words from a precocious age of - let’s say five. I think the idea germinated when I taught my niece (cousin’s daughter to be precise) to say “I’m ambivalent” instead of “I love you”…haha, might’ve taught her a life-lesson there which she’s surely forgotten. In other words, I want a daughter that is supremely intelligent and says all these big words and knows what they mean.

M. and I have often discussed our ideal mates are these intellectuals (as yet undiscovered, entries will be taken and noted), and good looks wouldn’t hurt. Like the famous song goes, ‘I still haven’t found what I’m looking for..’ I just thought, though, if I had a daughter who wasn’t interesting in being a walking thesaurus, or dictionary and would rather play an instrument or just gawk at the human condition, would I be unhappy? Would I love her any less? So, why is it important that I have the same in a mate? Point to ponder: I don’t get to choose my daughter. Or my child. But I can choose a mate. I can choose whom I’d like to grow old with.

Anyhow, is intellect overrated? Is knowledge the same thing?


Anonymous said...

hmmm.. do we really *choose* our mate (or anything else for that matter)?!
anyways, stop talking about me!

CK said...

How do you know its *you* i'm talking about, mate? ;)

but on the ahem side, I think like forrest gump said, 'i don't know if its destiny, or if we're just floating around... but i think its a bit of both.