Friday, August 13, 2004


And so by chance at Cairo Jazz Club (CJC) last night I met someone who worked at Mask-Off previously and I got a lot of inside information that will give me some extra perspective I didn’t have before. CJC was a lot of fun and dancing – started off slow but man we had a ball dancing till the wee hours, landed home at 3 a.m.

I watched the series “Ed” yesterday, and “Smallville” today. I think I do prefer the romantic comedy (Ed) genre a lot. I wonder if I can write in that field. It is worth a try, anyhow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey chi chi!
r u trying to make me cry?
i miss my life in cairo!
i wish i were there to hang out with you.
recently, i moved to new york, where i'm now in the process of domestication; i have a real job with benifits and my own place.
but somehow i still long for something else.
i don't want to be domesticated. i want to be able to wander off or even run away and follow my passions.

anyway,i'm happy to receive dispatches from a frontier i once called home, from a girl i still call 'friend'
