Friday, July 29, 2005

what would i do?

What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?
- Robert Schuller

Another quote from to make me think think think. So what would I do?:

I'd be more vulnerable:
be more open to challenges,
just go ahead and write that article,
smile more at people even if i'm not sure they smile back,
say hi to some people,
call some people,
have coffee on my own in a cafe and do some reading,
sing and dance like crazy,
try an experimental form of dress, hair style etc.

Time to add some of these to my 43things.

I am lucky enough to have been okayed with two story pitches, but I really need to get some work done on them. I can't fathom why I'm not so excited about writing an article on the Live8 experience. I feel I'm going to have to 'fake it' - I feel I don't know how to start. And Yes, I Fear I Shalt Rejected Be - that it might sound 'boring'. :s I'm such an academic when it comes to writing, and I really don't want to dumb it down at other times, because when I do, it sounds contrived, like an older man trying to fit into a younger group just by saying 'dude' and 'chill' and it sounds all wrong coming from his lips.

lets see.. deadline for article: august 2. self-set deadline: tomorrow! (hahaha!)

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