Thursday, July 21, 2005

ennui: Word of the Day

ennui \on-WEE\, noun:
A feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction arising from lack
of interest; boredom.

Interesting, eesn't eet, zees lack of eenterest.

But I think its spurred me on to better things today. I applied to a couple of magazines, and in turn, got some more work done a the factory itself. I suppose working on one's personal goals helps work on the less interesting ones too.

Interest - and its pursuit - is the antidote to boredom (surprise surprise).

Right now, my tummy is speaking grumblish about its interest in food. I will attend to it shortly during lunch time.

The thing that I don't understand is that i had this mah-vellous time at the UK trip and its not that I don't *want* to write about it, but I feel I lived it up so much, - and I don't mean partying, just relaxing and having fun - that to write up some parts of it, would mean minusing out the other parts.

Or isn't that just a neat excuse?

Either ways, don't feel too hyped about writing about it, but I think if travel today arabia promises me breadcrumbs or even a few pages without any pecuniary side-benefits, I'll be happy to scribble up a few memoirs.

cheery chee on a cherry tree today.


Anonymous said...

Lovely entry! :) Made me think about a lot of things.


CK said...

Hey! Nice to see you around here!

Funnily enough I was thinking about you when I was writing about interest and boredom. I was thinking of you sorting your books by order of interest.

Hey, anything will do, so long as its taking you that one step closer to the books.

So what things did it make you think of?? i'm curious.

kamal said...

Yup, but in writing, I doubt that we can capture the full experience, all the details. The best thing, if you ask me, is to focus on the key moments. Capture the essence. The feeling.

So, were making a neat excuse :-)

CK said...

hey kamal!

I checked out your typepad blog, but the last entry is may 2004?? where do you blog now?

Anonymous said...

Hehe. I think I commented on the wrong entry! :) What made me think about a lot of things was that conversation you had with the man at the airport, about how things repeat themselves and about forgiveness, that entire bit (it's all a mess in my head now!). I've been mulling over it for days now, how there have been certain things that keep on happening to me, and what exactly it is that I should be learning from them since they just keep on happening over and over.

It's been eye-opening for me, so I'm really glad you wrote it down. :)

CK said...

hey thanks for saying that cam! Glad to know my writing is of some *use* besides entertainment :)

*hugs* you always lift spirits, everywhere you go!